Ever inspired by the art and science of treating the Human Body.



Academic Innovation

As a physician scientist, integrated MD/PhD training helped Dr. Hawk to build a foundation to explore translational research efforts, using a full and intricate understanding of the research process, and the developed ability to understand, discuss and teach new emerging concepts.

Dr. Hawk’s dissertation in Neuroscience focused on the regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthase in the dorsal and ventral striatum, exploring the neurochemical role of nitric oxide producing interneurons, and their ability to coordinate dopaminergic and glutamatergic signaling in areas of the brain relevant to cognition and motivated behavior. Eager to expand her passion into the field of Medical Radiation Physics, she also completed a separate Master’s degree in Medical Radiation Physics. This provided her with in depth training of how therapeutic and diagnostic instruments use both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in the clinical setting.

She then completed her Medical Doctorate and Diagnostic Radiology Residency at the University of Southern California (USC), learning the art of medicine while serving the diverse population at Los Angeles County Hospital. Dr. Hawk completed clinical fellowship requirements in Nuclear Medicine and Neuroradiology at USC.

Currently, Dr. Hawk is faculty for the Stanford School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine. Her work in the Daldrup-Link Laboratory focuses primarily on pediatric PET MRI imaging techniques.

Dr. Hawk has recently lectured nationally on a variety of academic topics including nuclear and molecular imaging, neuroimaging and applications of artificial intelligence in medical imaging.

Dr. Hawk is available for academic collaborations and speaking engagements upon request.

Technical Consulting

Dr. Hawk offers technical consulting expertise to both the national and international community. With the exponentially growing exploration of artificial intelligence applications in medicine, there is tremendous need for physician scientist insight to help maintain authentic patient centered care solutions.

From leading data analysis teams, to high level discussions on the impact of evolving technology on the art of medicine, Dr. Hawk pairs her traditional scientific foundation with her clinical training to help companies arrive at solutions that are practical, scalable and patient centric.

Dr. Hawk is available to consider proposals for technical consulting, speaking engagements, written media and social media collaborations.


Dr. Hawk’s unique career path has allowed her to spend time addressing the complex issues that currently face current medical professionals. Trained as a Medical Radiation Physicist, she is able to explore the unique challenges that face Physicists and discuss issues related to patient safety. As a Neuroscience PhDm she can tackle issues in basic science and the challenge of integrating basic science with clinical application. Currently practicing clinically in both a large academic center and with a national private practice, she is able to apply this unique set of varied perspectives to better represent the wonderfully diverse voices of our global medical and scientific community.

During this time of rapid evolution of the US healthcare system, it is essential that we react to the changing needs of the society we serve. We must increase public awareness of the Physician’s role and openly address the many concerning issues while carefully processing issues internal to our own professions. We must continue to encourage innovative thinking and commit towards bringing these bright new ideas from bench to bedside. We must maximize our use of limited resources. Ultimately, the solutions of today cannot be used to solve tomorrow’s problems. Through creating an environment that fosters physicians dedicated to continued quality improvement, active leadership positions and lifetime learning, we ensure that the future of medicine will weather the upcoming changes. While addressing the most pertinent issues of the current health climate, we must also work toward cultivating leaders that are prepared to dynamically address the unforeseen challenges that lie ahead.

Dr. Hawk currently holds leadership positions in both the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Nuclear and Molecular Medicine (SNMMI). She has worked with a variety of additional national and international organized medicine bodies. Dr. Hawk is passionate about addressing diversity in medicine and science, and devotes significant time to mentoring underrepresented minorities.

Dr. Hawk is available for mentorship, coaching, speaking engagements, and proposals for written and social medial collaborations.


Learn more Dr. K Elizabeth Hawk
